Awoken again at the crack of dawn. This time by the Downey Cheeked Grey Pollock, a rare and sometimes very loud individual singing his signature daybreak tune.
We were on the road by 8am retracing the rough track from last night. Again thinking it’s amazing no one got a flat or damage. The Cook’s and Tania & Daz in the truck returned to Cue and the A’s unhooked campers and took the correct and also very rough track up to the mine.
From Cue to Mt Magnet where there was not a lot to see in the town itself so we pressed on to Sandstone after saying goodbye to the Cook’s who were returning home as planned.
Sandstone was a pleasant surprise. Very tidy town where a lot of work has gone into presenting the town. Artistically placed wrecks/garden art placed around town, nice gardens and an excellent caravan park within a short walk to the pub. 28 degrees and very pleasant day. We’re catching up on washing and housework.
Eards and Seinors arrived at 4pm having made excellent time after their mine visit. Showers, laundry and the pub.