On the 4th March 2012, five MODEL A FORDS will leave PERTH WESTERN AUSTRALIA for a 12,000 km adventure around Australia. We first head North around the TOP END to IPSWICH [7100kms] QUEENSLAND to attend the MODEL A rally for 5 days, then South across the NULLABOR PLAIN back to PERTH [5100 kms] on about 10th April. In March the TOP END is a hot 50 degrees, and can be very wet with flooded roads. Wish us luck !
The team is Colin Davidson in a 1931 Town Sedan, Brett Pollock in a 1930 Phaeton [GLAD] with passenger Alan Tinker, Peter Eadley in a 1928 Phaeton with passenger Bob, Anthony Gilberthorpe in a 1929 Closed Cab Pickup, Bob Piercy in a 1929 Phaeton, Frank Farrelly in a Nissan 4wd with camp trailer, also Reg & Coral Blewett in a sedan and caravan [a brave lady]. All cars have been serviced and made ready for the trip , camp trailer packed, SWAGS rolled, spares galore loaded, food for unexpected stops and Brett’s whisky. [cold water in the waterbag].
Telstra is supplying the communications for the trip, which will raise funds for the RFDS “Flying 1000″Equipment Fund .www.flyingdoctor.org.au [ Ref ‘GLAD’ ]
We intend to head North from Gingers Roadhouse in Perth’s Upper Swan on the Great Northern Hwy at 7.30 am on Sunday 4th March, travelling at 70km per hour and averaging about 400kms per day [ camping out in our swags each night] and planning to arrive in Ipswich by 25th of March for the start of the rally. Leaving on 31st March for Perth via Streaky Bay and Port Lincoln South Australia and the Nullabor Plain to Kalgoolie, then home. We will be raising funds on the trip for the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) (See note on how to donate online or mail www.flyingdoctor.org.au ]
We will be updating this Blog daily so you can follow our adventure and see photos of the day’s triumphs and /or disasters [ie. franks cooking. We are all members of the WA Model A Restorers’ Club and look forward to creating more club history of fun and good fellowship in our “A”s. We will be preparing a power point talk on the trip Across the Top End for the first night of the Rally in Ipswich . We look forward to sharing our adventure.