Run Etiquette

Order Of Travel

  • Model A’s leading, followed by:
  • Old classics (typically old-enough to eligible for concessional licensing), then:
  • Modern cars

On The Road Driving Etiquette

  • Leave enough room for an overtaking to car to slot-in between you and the car in front of you (or if there is a truck behind you looking to overtake – leave a lot of room for them to do so)
  • Try and bunch-up prior to overtaking lanes so overtaking vehicles can overtake as many cars as possible in the overtaking lane (then spread-out again once the overtaking lane has finished)
  • If there is a queue of cars behind you looking to overtake, consider indicating and pulling-over when it is safe to do so
  • Always keep the (MARC) vehicle behind you in view so that:
  • They can see which way you turn at an intersection, and
  • You can see if they stop (potentially with mechanical trouble or a flat tyre)


Club members and the public like to see all the Model A’s together for photographs.  So:

  • Modern cars should try and avoid parking alongside a Model A (unless all the Model As are already parked), and
  • Classic cars should try to park at one or both ends of the bunch of Model A’s