Day 21 – Norseman to Perth

Day 21 – Norseman to Perth

The end of the journey is in sight. Only 638 km to go via the Norseman Hyden road. The group decided to go for it as we had achieved a similar distance the day before. We enjoyed a final evening meal together at the Motel Restaurant adjacent to the Caravan Park where we spent the night.

We bid farewell to Pete and Kaye as they would be heading south to Esperance the next morning and thanked Pete for his efforts as Tour Leader from Alice Springs. Campbell was elected new leader for the final day. We also had news that Brett and Ross had arrived in Perth safely. Brett confirmed that the Norseman Hyden road was in good repair and encouraged us to go that way.

Some early morning work by Pete on “Merv” to install a ballast resistor to perhaps alleviate condenser failure on the long runs we are achieving.

The group achieved an early start once again and travelled the 300km to Hyden without incident. Almost!. Some 10km short of the town Bob Piercy had “carby” trouble and after removing and cleaning was once again on the road.

“Merv” had a loose ignition switch wire which Neil fixed in Hyden and as he was doing so noticed a flat rear tyre which he also changed.

Bob and Campbell continued towards Perth independently and all the group completed the journey

by nightfall.

An amazing adventure covering 21days and 6200km over some of the most remote areas in Australia with a great group of people. Indeed a testimony to the resilience of the Model A Ford and those that drive them.


Ballast Resistor Technician

Ballast Resistor Technician



Carby trouble

Carby trouble

Heartfelt thanks to those who have contributed to our charity the Royal Flying Doctor Service. The generosity of the people on the road and those that have contributed online has been amazing.

The adventure continues!! – Darwin 2016.


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Day 20 – Eucla to Norseman

Madura Pass

Madura Pass

Wheel Alignment

Wheel Alignment

Another big day planned. All agreed to press on as far as we can and try for Fraser Range or Norseman. Depending on the cars. Broke camp early and on the road by 6-30am. Ian and Gary pushed on ahead of the group as Gary is due to start work in two days. Big thanks to them both for their participation and comradeship.

Easy travelling with little to break the monotony other than refuelling stops at various roadhouses along the way.

Madura Pass was impressive and Alan positioned himself for a photo shoot to capture the “A”’s as they drove through.

Even “Merv” performed at least for most of the morning then some of the old symptoms appeared. Coughing and spluttering, loss of power etc. After deliberating a quick condenser change seemed to do the trick.

We also noticed some uneven tyre wear on “Merv” so Peter performed an alignment at Madura and “Merv” was once again ready to go. Neil noticed an immediate improvement in steering.

As he cars were once again performing it was agreed to try and reach Norseman for the evening stop. We pulled into the town about 6-15 after a huge day travelling 633km.

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Day 19 – Fowlers Bay to Eucla

Last Bush Camp

Last Bush Camp

WA/SA Border

WA/SA Border

Koonalda Graveyard

Koonalda Graveyard

Push Start

Push Start

No red dirt

No red dirt



Up early to the call of the Kookaburra! Big day planned for a run at the border or beyond.

A reasonably uneventful day with all cars running well.

Only one stoppage with “Merv” but he was soon underway after cleaning a few jets in the “carby.

In fact he was running so well out in front that Neil and Loretta completely missed the turnoff to “Koonalda Station” where we all agreed to visit for a lunch stop and explore all the abandoned buildings and old cars. Well worth the 20km of rough road.

Continued on to Eucla where we caught up with Neil and Loretta. The group then headed West again and stopped for the night at a bush camp 10km west of “Mundrabilla”

A very good day with 470km covered.

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Day 18 – Streaky Bay to Fowler Bay

Caravan Park

Caravan Park



A pleasant afternoon in Streaky then the party gathered for the evening meal at the local hotel. Great food and hospitality.

Brett decided to leave the group early next morning as he was flying to Melbourne the next Wednesday for family reasons.

The group left Streaky for Fowlers Bay mid-morning, an easy 250 km drive. All cars running well.

Booked into the caravan park and enjoyed a few hours of sightseeing before a evening cook up around the Park fire pit. Meal provided by the park for nominal cost. An excellent evening meeting new travellers and sharing stories.

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Day 17 – Kingoonya to Streaky Bay

Day 17 – Kingoonya to Streaky Bay

Another early morning start to the sound of the warbling Kookaburra. (new tour director has a whistle). Much better than the off key singing from the previous director.

The lead car this morning sighted seven emus, nine kangaroos and one dead wombat.

Continued towards Wirrulla through magnificent undulating and salt lake country where we stopped for morning Tea and then continued onto Streaky Bay caravan Park for the evening stay. Arrived   midday after travelling 140k. One of our easiest days however on arriving we discovered Bob the Gardener had a broken starter Bendix so it is now crank handle for the rest of the journey.DSCN6245 DSCN6251



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Day 16 – Coober Pedy to Kingoonya

Day 16 – Coober Pedy to Kingoonya

An early morning start after a wonderful evening meal at George’s underground restaurant heading some 280 km south. The plan to continue as far beyond as we can towards Wirrulla which is some 140 km east of Ceduna.

Made Kingoonya on the Trans line just midday and stopped for lunch. All cars performing well. Talked to Pat and Spence two outback grader operators who contributed a jar of notes and coin to the RFDS. Thanks guys. Also those viewing online can contribute. Any donations appreciated.

Great hospitality at the general store/pub for lunch and then continued on towards Wirrulla. Bob Piercy broke a shocky mounting bracket which was the only damage to the cars. We met a small party of travellersfrom Mildura (retired farmers) who also made a significant contribution to the RFDS  The group stopped for the night some 70km short of Wirrulla for a bush camp. DSCN6225 DSCN6228 DSCN6235

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Days 14-15 At Coober Pedy and Repairs

Any 1 calls for to buy actual medications to alleviate signs and symptoms of BPH inside of the drug shop at property below reliably. You do not need to have a prescription to buy the pills. I experienced a fast buy shipping ..1-three times. Purchasing money for potency, males are crucial particular criteria, specially compatibility with other medication and substances So, Cialis can be utilized with a tiny dose of liquor and numerous medications However, the inventors of the drug could not get pleasure from their discovery in total malestrength.
Days 14-15 – Coober Pedy

The group awoke to the warble of the “Kookaburra” and a Taiwanese reply!

Pete’s car was examined by all and declared to be broken. We all decided to hitch the brand new Dean Roberts A frame to “Granny” and Steve Wigmores “Wiggy” and then with trailer also attached to “Granny” the first Model A road train continued towards Coober Pedy some 300km away. Pete didn’t need to steer. Time to study the repair manual!

Not all plain sailing, Des Addison heard some budgies under the bonnet. He stopped to discover only one of four rivets holding his four blade fan. Disaster averted. Fan removed and he continued without for the next 200km. No problems.

The group arrived in Coober Pedy late afternoon. Howling wind, sand and flies. Hunkered down and nice dinner at the pub

Early next morning the mechanics group headed by Mr Letch, Dr Jeffree and the guilty driver. And all the assistants.

Three hours later diff, overdrive and gearbox removed. Universal joint was found to be shattered. Four holding rivets had disintegrated. Surgeon Ross found four bolts to replace the rivets and proceeded to grind and hammer the trunnions back into shape. No warranty for DH farmers.

Meanwhile mechanical group two led by Des and ably assisted by Brett ground water to take new fan for Des’s car and then Bob the Gardener proceeded yet again to make up another spare tyres. Indian tubes!

Cars repaired and going by lunch time. The group proceeded to town for sightseeing and opal buying!

Bob and Cam arrived mid afternoon. Looking forward to a nice dinner at George’s underground restaurant.20151007_064218 20151007_072110 20151007_073055



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Day 13 – Alice Springs To Coober Pedy

Day 13 Alice Springs To Cooper Pedy









Group photo outside Caravan Park saying farewell to Alice Springs. The adventure continues now heading South on the return journey heading to Coober Pedy. Stewarts Wells for morning tea. Some probs with “Merv” again. No 4 spark plug replaced. Warranty job!

No stopping “Merv”. Party found it hard to keep up. Beers at Kulgera and reminisced about Kaye being a governess nearby. Training for her 43 years of marriage so far.

Bush camp for the evening selected by Brett at Marryat Creek. Tour director said “watch me as I get bogged”. He proceeded into the creek sand and did get bogged. Big time!

He proceeded to “give it a bit of stick” and bang! The gearbox universal fell apart. Made camp and had a great night joined by a tawainese couple seeking protection?

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Days 10 to 12 – Alice Springs

Days 10 to 12 – Alice Springs

“There’s no town like Alice”. Never a truer word has been spoken. The group booked into the MacDonnell Range Big 4 holiday park in Alice and stayed for the next three days. The first leg of the journey completed after some 2500 km. All the cars were given a thorough check in preparation for the onward journey South. It was also time to get serious with “Merv”and Alan tackled valve clearances first. Lo and behold two valves had zero clearance. No repeating the expletives here and there is a moral to this story. The boy scouts motto!! Anyway a 20km road test indicated that “Merv” was rarin to go and now promised to be the fastest car in the group. Time will tell.

Brett flew to Melbourne on Friday to watch the AFL grand final to return on Sunday just a little hungover. Thanks to “Henry’s” in Melbourne for delivering some spare parts to Brett at his hotel. The rest of the group watched the grand final at various venues of choice.

Paul left for Perth for other commitments on Saturday and it was sad to see him leave the group as his company during the journey was excellent. New friendships forged and old ones cemented. We thank you Paul.

We were reunited with Steve and Lorna also. Lorna’s operation was successful and flew home to Perth on Monday. Steve will continue with the group to drive his vehicle home.

Bob and Campbell arranged to repair the suspension on their camper trailer which was due to be fixed by Wednesday. They will be two days behind the group but should catch up just south of Coober Pedy.

Mention must be made of the hospitality in Alice. A very friendly town. Great service at the Caravan Parks, RSL Club, Gillen Club to name a few of the venues visited. The Trucking Hall of Fame also being a highlight.

Early start Monday morning under the control of a new tour director, Peter Eardley,  heading towards Coober Pedy some 650 km south for a bush camp that night.

Preparing to Tackle "Merv"

Preparing to Tackle “Merv”

Heading South

Heading South

All in a Line

All in a Line

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Day 9 – Kings Canyon To Alice Springs

Day 9 – Kings Canyon to Alice Springs

A new day and “Glad” and “Merv” set off early for Alice Springs as Brett and Paul were due to catch flights to Melbourne and Perth. Brett to return to Alice on Sunday.

No joy for Bob as the local mechanic was no help with the trailer. Fortunately Pete Eardley flagged down a low  loader truck heading for Alice. The driver agreed to take the campervan on the trailer and Bob followed behind.  Arrangements were made to repair the spring and axle in Alice.

The rest of the group headed towards Alice later and caught up with Brett and Neill at Mt Ebenezer some 270 km down the road. The group arrived in Alice Springs late afternoon and booked into the Big 4 caravan Park. Total distance travelled 470 km. A big day. It was learned on arrival the Steve and Lorna were here and Lorna was due for an operation tomorrow to pin a broken tibia.



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