Day Three – Kumarina to Auski roadhouse [250km]

Early start at Kumarina; we are now in the true Pilbara, a good season with green spinafex, all in flower and looks great. Flocks of budgies and finches flying through the mountainous Hammersly ranges and Munjini gorge –  beautiful country . Clouds of budgies, lots of wedge-tail eagles .

Cars: no major mechanical problems. When the wind got behind us they averaged over 70kms, even GLAD got up speed. Colin’s car has an interior light failure, GLAD’s horn will not stop honking so it has been disconnected. Alan got GLAD’s Navman going and now we know our speed fuel consumption. All the cars are averaging 250km per 40 lt. tank except Peter’s Phaeton 1928 pulling a small caravan, which does 160km to a tank.

Called into Newman for Brett to get computer lessons, we rattled the RFDS cans. Bob the Gardener – we are worried about him – he hasn’t stopped smiling all the trip. Alan has extreme concerns about a bush fire that is threatening his caravan park at Enneaba. Peter cooked lunch on his manifold bake oven with great success; we all had sausage and onion sandwiches. Frank and Colin heated up Debbie’s mince for dinner with Carrots Julienne and Spuds [refer to Frank’s Nursing Mothers Cook Book] all helped down by Johnnie Walker. On to Auski Roadhouse to refuel. Camped down the road as the Auski would not give Seniors’ Discount to Anthony.

Bush camp: [see photo of Peter in the shower] the mozzies lifted Frank and his bed across the N/W hwy, a few spots of rain got Col, Brett, Frank and Alan up at 2AM and we are now doing the Blog as we needed a cuppa. We noticed at this hour Reg’s caravan had a sign on the door – No Entry. It’s now 4am and Frank has not stopped telling True Stories, Bob the Gardener has now joined us, it helps share the mozzies.




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Day Two – Mt Magnet to Kumerina Roadhouse

Had an early start from Kirkalocka Stationstay [thanks for a great stay Anne and Geoff] 30 kms north to Mt Magnet. Unfortunately I put the Sim Card upside down in the computer  dongle so our Blog has been delayed up until now.

The country is now flat and all cars motored up to Meekatharra for lunch with a few minor problems, exhaust flange loose on Anthonys pickup. We fed lollies to the local aboriginal kids and had some laughs with them, a good mob all related to the Wooleen mob.

Steady afternoon drive to Kumerina and arrived at sunset ,another 500kms completed . We 0pened a few bottles of whisky and I cooked mixed grill, spuds, sweet potatoes, carrots,  forgot the greens so cut up tomatoes. We then retired to the roadhouse front bar to watch Australian Story which featured my sons and Frances Jones at our family property Wooleen [ it was great to watch, but I am biased].  Slept in our swags under the stars – a great experience; the night was terrific, not hot and no mozzies.

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Day One – Around the Top End. March 4th, 2012

Day one completed . We all arrived before sunset at Kirkaloka station 60 km south of Mt Magnet.

We have just eaten Lorraine Piercy hotpot stew, serviced the cars and repaired 2 flat tyres.

Brett’s GLAD had points problems but now going fine. Anthony’s car had fuel vapourization but going well now.  Colins 31 had a flat tyre, now fixed. Bob Piercy had boiling problems due to putting coolant in the radiator, a no no for Model As. All cars and support cars ready for tomorrow. Hope to be in Koomarina roadhouse by 4pm for a bush camp

Weather is hot midday about 38c , we completed 500km . 6200 km to Ipswich. The Club saw us off from Upper Swan and followed us 30km to Bullsbrook where we departed North to New Norcia and on to Wubin for lunch , and pick up Glads offsider Alan. The cars had their initial problems at this stage; they did not like the heat and hills. We eventually arrived at Kirkalocka at sunset. We designed the trip to have the first 2 days over 500km to sort out the cars and the drivers. We made it.

Colin Davidson preparing his 1931 for the trip camp trailer being loaded

Peter Eadley has arrived in Perth from Esperance. He is travelling the greatest distance of all team members. On his way to Perth he blew a head gasket and a tyre, hopefully he will not experience any further problems – he’s reached the starting line. Frank and Colin have packed the camp trailer and we will all meet at Ginger’s Road House in the Upper Swan at 7 am for a 7.30 start. Western Australian Model A Restorer’s Club will be giving us a send- off. We can’t wait to get on the road North. Some partners have been slightly offended to hear their men whistling as they pack their bags!

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One week to go

GLAD ready for the trip Around the Top End.

The team have their Model A cars serviced and checked for tyres, timing, compressions, greased bearings, oils correct levels, lights working correctly. Spares packed:  distibutor , carby, plugs, head gasket, bearings, water pump, plus fan, radiator hoses,fan belt, tyre repair gear, spare tubes, tools, jack, crank handle, wheel brace, tow rope [for the pessimistic], globes, spare tyres (2) and a spare engine crated up just in case it needs to be freighted anywhere in Australia, 2 x 20 litre fuel cans  (car only has a 40 litre tank that gives one 250km range, some fuel stops are 450 km apart) matches, ASPRO.

Then there is the personal bag, swag, water bag, head torches, esky, food, whisky [snake bite] 1st Aid kit, computer, mobile, Sat phone [thank you Telstra] 12volt inverter to 240v, chairs, table, tarp for shade or rain, UHF radio, car radio and CD player, fox tail, promotional stickers for RFDS , ROTARY and Mens Sheds , as well as the RFDS collection tins to rattle, pack of cards, bush poems rehearsed , etc.

The camp trailer has the camp, table, food, cooking pots, frypans and utensils, 240 volt generator, repair gear, trolley jack, water for cooking and drinking, spare fuel cans, stretchers, A bar [for towing] hot plate,  gas stove, billys, camp oven , lights , 1st Aid, and more spares.

Dont forget you can donate to RFDS on .au and quote ref  “GLAD” this will go to Flying 1000 Equipment Fund which we are supporting. Thanks.

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Club attendance Ipswich

There will be 16 Western Australian Model A club member families attending at the 2012 Rally in Ipswich.

Three member families are trailering their Model  A’s to Qld: Ray/Toni Mahony ,Barry/ Sylvia Bristow-Stagg and Wes Hartley/Beverley Biggs and Ian/Dianne Paisley are towing a caravan across to Qld.

Dean and Jenni Roberts are flying over  – hope they wave to us as they fly by.

A team of 4  families are trailering to Adelaide and then driving to Ipswich: Hans/Glenda Hurij are trailering to and from Adelaide, John/Kaye Cook are trailering to and from Adelaide, Peter Sartori and Alan/Edith Jeffree are flying to Adelaide.  All these will link up in Adelaide and drive to Ipswich as a group.

In Ipswich on 25th March, hopefully the Around the Top mob of 7 [the team] will meet up with the rest of the WA contingents and we will swap stories . The Around the Top Mob have been asked by the Rally Organizers to make a power point presentation on the Trip to the Rally on the First night’s BBQ. It will be great fun.


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Around Australia via Ipswich

The countdown is on; the Team is ready for the START at 7.30 am  at Gingers roadhouse Upper Swan  on 4th march 2012, PERTH WA, the Model A Fords tuned and ready for an adventure. With Telstra help we will bring you a daily Blog and entertain you at home. Hopefully you will donate to the RFDS Flying 1000 fundraiser where all the donations (100%) are used to buy equipment for the RFDS planes ref “GLAD.”

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The Team

This gallery contains 7 photos.

Bob Piercy in his 1929 Phaeton, ready to go.    Colin Davidson with his 1931 Model A Brett Pollock’s 1930 Phaeton. [GLAD] Anthony Gilberthorpe’s 1929 Closed Cab Pickup Peter Eadley’s Model A Phaeton Peter Eadley ready to go with trailer … Continue reading

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Getting ready for Ipswich Via the Top End

On the 4th March 2012, five MODEL A FORDS  will leave PERTH WESTERN AUSTRALIA for a 12,000 km adventure around Australia. We  first head North around the TOP END to IPSWICH [7100kms] QUEENSLAND to attend the MODEL A rally for 5 days, then South across the NULLABOR PLAIN back to PERTH [5100 kms] on about 10th April. In March the TOP END is a  hot 50 degrees,  and can be very wet with flooded roads. Wish us luck !

The team is Colin Davidson in a  1931 Town Sedan, Brett Pollock in a 1930 Phaeton  [GLAD] with passenger Alan Tinker, Peter Eadley in a 1928 Phaeton with passenger Bob,  Anthony Gilberthorpe in a 1929 Closed Cab Pickup, Bob Piercy in a 1929 Phaeton, Frank Farrelly in a Nissan 4wd with camp trailer, also Reg & Coral Blewett in a sedan and caravan  [a brave  lady].  All cars have been serviced and made ready for the trip , camp trailer packed, SWAGS rolled, spares galore loaded, food for unexpected stops and Brett’s whisky. [cold water in the waterbag].

Telstra is supplying the communications for the trip, which will raise funds for the RFDS “Flying 1000″Equipment Fund [ Ref ‘GLAD’ ]

We intend to head North from Gingers Roadhouse in Perth’s Upper Swan on the Great Northern  Hwy at 7.30 am on Sunday 4th March, travelling at 70km per hour and averaging about 400kms per day [ camping out in our swags each night] and planning to arrive in Ipswich by 25th of March for the start of the rally. Leaving on 31st March for Perth via Streaky Bay and Port Lincoln South Australia and the Nullabor Plain to Kalgoolie, then  home.  We will be raising funds on the trip for the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS)  (See note on how to donate online or mail ]

We will be updating this Blog daily so you can follow our adventure and see photos of the day’s  triumphs and /or disasters [ie. franks cooking. We are all members of the WA  Model  A Restorers’ Club and look forward to creating more club history of fun and good fellowship in our “A”s. We will be preparing a power point talk on the trip Across the Top End for the first night of the Rally in Ipswich . We look forward to sharing our adventure.





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MARC of WA – Members’ Vehicles  (and other Ford Model A doodlings)

ATTENTION:  New Club Rules:  Please view here.

........................ Upcoming Club Events .............................

-------------------- EVENTS (by month) ------------------- (updated: June 20, 2024)
EVENT: MARC WA Club Run - Army Museum Fremantle
DATE: Sunday July 21st
LOCATION: Stirling Square, Guildford
DETAILS: tba (by email)
ORGANISER: Ian & Anne Steer
EVENT: Nungarin Campfire Dinner
DATE: Saturday evening August 3rd
TIME: From 4:30pm
LOCATION: Nungarin Heritage, Machinery & Army Museum
DETAILS: Enjoy a welcome drink, a delicious home cooked meal followed by dessert and a hot cuppa.  Sit around our campfire, watch the sun set over the bushland and listen to the words of an ANZAC in his letter home to a mate. Tickets available at Eventbrite
ORGANISER: Ray Major & Gerry ten Bokkel
EVENT: MARC WA Annual General Meeting
DATE: Sunday August 4th
LOCATION: Army Museum of West Australia, 6 Burt St, Fremantle (yes - same venue as July's run)
DETAILS: AGM to commence in the Lecture Theatre at 1pm, BBQ from noon at the BBQ area. ID must be shown at the gate (it is still an official army facility).
ORGANISER: Andrae Moore
EVENT: Collie VCCC Club and Model A Restorers Wildflower Tour
DATE: August 23rd
LOCATION: Meet up with the Collie people at the Bindoon Bakery for lunch
DETAILS: 1 Night at Moora , Carnamah, Morawa, Dalwallinu, home. Book accommodation as soon as possible. Dowerin Field day weekend so no accommodation in York unless camping.
ORGANISER: Wayne Millman
EVENT: 2024 National Meet
DATE: 1 September - 8 September
LOCATION: Maryborough, Queensland
DETAILS: Check under the “28th Biennial Meet” heading on the Queensland club website - includes proposed itinerary, Early Bird Booking Form and accommodation options:
ORGANISER: Model A Ford Club of Queensland
EVENT: Classic Car Show
DATE: Sunday September 8th (2nd change)
TIME: tba
LOCATION: Ascot Racecourse
DETAILS: See advertisement in July's newsletter
ORGANISER: need a volunteer to coordinate MARC cars
EVENT: Curtin FM Car Show (and General Motors Day)
DATE: Sunday October 6th (ammended date)
TIME: 9:30
LOCATION: 6 Elderfield Rd, Waterford (Trinity Football Grounds)
DETAILS: Vehicles to be setup by 9:30, Register here
General Motors Day entrants Register here
ORGANISER: Horace Misko
EVENT: End of Year Function
DATE: Sunday November 17th
TIME: noon
LOCATION: Ming Dynasty restaurant, 14 Dewar St, Morley
DETAILS: Banquet Lunch for $35.00 a head.  BYO alcohol, soft drinks are available for purchase at the venue. See page 11 of the July newsletter
ORGANISER: Ron Andrews, Daniel Pinnington & Toni Mahony
EVENT: LBW (Leeming, Bullcreek, Willetton) Coffee Run
DATE: 1st Tuesday of every month (except January)
TIME: 10am
LOCATION: RAAFA Club, Air Force Memorial Estate, 2 Bull Creek Drive, Bull Creek
ORGANISER: Steve Seddon (VCCC)







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