Day 8 – Kings Canyon

Day 8- Kings Canyon

Early morning rising at the bush camp with attention focused on “Merv”. The possibility of a faulty ignition switch/circuit was considered and Pete Eardley rewired the circuit to bypass the switch. Hopefully some improvement would be forthcoming. A little better but the car reverted to old habits after about ten kilometres.

Arrived at Kings Canyon after an uneventful 85 km. The group walked the canyon and after another component change (distributor) for “Merv” some continued towards Kings Canyon resort roadhouse a further10km up the road. Brett was driving “Merv” and “Glad” was left in the carpark for Neil and Loretta to continue after their walk. Unfortunately unbeknown to Neil and Loretta “Glad” was moved to another section of the carpark. On their return from the walk they thought that either the car was stolen or driven away by someone else. Waiting waiting!

After an hour or so Ian and Campbell went back to the carpark to rescue the stranded companions and to explain the car had been moved to the upper carpark. We will not repeat the expletives!!

After a hasty lunch the group continued on the Mereene Loop further into the Macdonnell Ranges. Back on the gravel and one of the worst surfaces we have encountered.

Some 40km on the loop Bob’s campervan broke a spring and all pitched in to clamp and wire it on the side of the road. Bob Piercy’s bush repair experience saved the day and we all limped back to Kings Canyon Roadhouse for the night. Unfortunately Bob’s campervan axle was also bent and would not be able to continue without repair. The local maintenance centre for the resort opened the next morning at 8am and it was decided to consult with them then.

After a magnificent sunset over the ranges the group enjoyed a great meal with entertainment at the local resort bistro.

Pete The Sparky

Pete The Sparky

No Flies On Us

No Flies On Us



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Day 7 – Yulara To Kings Canyon

Day 7 Yulara to Kings Canyon

The morning spent touring and resupply. Some time spent to retune “Merv” We are all still scratching our heads as to why the car is performing poorly.

All to meet at the roadhouse at 12-30 to continue on to Kings Canyon some 300 km away which we hope to achieve by nightfall.

Stopped at Curtain Springs for afternoon tea and changed carby and fuel lead on Bob Piercy’s phaeton.

Continued on towards Kings Canyon but made slow progress as “Merv” was the slow car. (again)

With dusk approaching set up bush camp some 85 km short of Kings Canyon. Great stories and much camaraderie around the camp fire that night.

Ross At Work

Ross At Work

Curtain Springs

Curtain Springs

Carby Change

Carby Change

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Day 6 = Docker River To Yulara

Day 6 Docker River to Yulara

Broke camp about 8am and headed  towards the Olgas’ and the bitumen some 200 km away. Road conditions OK as the grader had just passed. An uneventful day with a brief stop on the road for morning tea. “Merv” continued to be a pain with backfiring will diagnose further at camp to-night Arrived at the Olgas’ mid afternoon and spent some time walking. Onward to Uluru and finally the bitumen. Spent some time touring and then booked into the Yulara caravan park for our overnight stay. Civilisation at last and a proper shower was most welcome! The days travel – 255 km.

Finally Australia’s Longest Short Cut completed without major incident, not even a flat tyre. A true testament to the resilience of these old cars and also members of the groupDSCN6027DSCN6035DSCN6051

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Day 5 Warburton To Docker River

Day 5 Warburton to Docker River

After an early rising, broke camp and continued towards the Northern Territory  border .

Uneventful morning with the usual stops for a cuppa and change of drivers. After lunch” Glad’s” two blade metal fan disintegrated with one blade trying to exit the vehicle through the side of the bonnet. We cut off the other blade with a cut off wheel and a battery drill,

Luckily no damage to the radiator. Brett was unable to replace the fan and continued on at speed to increase airflow through the radiator.

Stopped at Warakuna roadhouse some 100km west of the NT border to refuel. Impressive aboriginal community. Ian Paisley bartered for a replacement tyre for his trailer and as a part of the deal traded  the old rim with the shredded tyre.  Go Ian!

We then toured the Giles weather station located in the community.

The next  80km were uneventful with good progress made on a reasonable road.

The road for the last 20km to Docker River was diabolical with some of the worst surface we had experienced. Mainly deep corrugations and heavy sand drifts. Ian Paisley had to tow Bob Piercy up a hill as the fully loaded “A” with trailer just didn’t have the grunt. All was well in the end and we cruised into Docker River only to find everything closed as it was Sunday. Continued on for another  hour and camped the night around a communications tower. Total distance travelled for the day 299 DSCN5963DSCN5982

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Day 4 Tjukayirla to Warburton.

DSCN5929Day 4 Tjukayirla to Warburton.

Great night at the roadhouse, hot showers friendly manager and a TV room to watch the seasons end for the Dockers.

8-30 start towards Warburton and all cars are running well. Uneventful drive to Warburton for a refuel arriving about 2-30pm. Decided to push on and find a suitable campsite for the night. Some drama with Ian sredding a tyre on his trailer and Bob the Banker picked a rock through the rear passenger window of his ute.

The group stopped at great camp site some 60km east of Warburton after total travel for the day some 305km. Settled in for the night gathering around the camp fire to listen to the Eagles North Melbourne game. Go the Eagles!!DSCN5915

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Day 3 Laverton To Tjukayirla

Day 3 Laverton To Tjukayirla

The adventure continues. Not such an early start this morning and the opportunity taken to reprovision at the local IGA and refuel. The group assembled 9-30am at the turnoff to the start of the Great Central Highway with great excitement and anticipation. The days destination,  Tjukayirla Roadhouse some 303 km east.

Road condition was acceptable with minor corrugations but plenty of red dust. Plain sailing! Not to be. The first breakdown some 10km down the road with “Merv” Backfiring and lack of power. Concensus was to change the dizzie and “Merv continued for another two kilometres before succumbing. Change the carby was the decision. Onward again. And so on for another four stops with various tweaking. Finally “Merv” was going and with a sigh of relief the group continued hoping to get to the roadhouse before dark and to catch the Dockers football match.

Unfortunately “Glad” developed a problem with the fan binding on the water pump housing. No quick fix so the fan belt was removed and “Glad” limped on. Brett’s cars seem to be jinxed!!

Some 40 km from the roadhouse Pete Eardley in “Grandma” was having problems with contaminated fuel but managed to make the roadhouse just after dusk.

After a long dayl the group settled down for a well earned beer  and a hot shower. The next morning reserved for car maintenance as the fuel bowsers opened at 9AM. We anticipate making the Northern Territory border tomorrow some 400KM

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Day 3 Laverton To Tjukayirla


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Day two Karalee Rocks To Laverton

DSCN5860DAY 2 – Karalee Rocks to Laverton.

All were awaken this morning at 4-45am to a rousing rendition by Brett of “Oh What A Beautiful Morning” Needless to say the rest of the camps occupants were also impressed.

After breakfast the group headed towards Kalgoorlie continuing the adventure. About 20km down the road “GLAD” experienced some trauma with grinding noises from the water pump.  Retribution for the mornings’ early wake up call. Water pump was duly changed with all mechanics on the scene offering advice and support.

Shortly after Neil in” MERV” developed a flat tire which was changed in no time. Not the end of problems for “MERV” however as distributor developed an intermittent fault and the car could not travel more than 60kmh. Side of the road surgery occurred and the dizzie was swapped under the able guidance of Alan Jefferies. Neil’s cars are developing a reputation!!

Uneventful  travel to Coolgardie and on to Kalgoorlie for refuel and resupply.

Continued on to Menzies where Des Addison and Pete and Kaye Eardley joined the group. Now the group is complete 5 Model A Fords and 4 moderns.

After a quick lunch headed towards Leanora and then to Laverton caravan Park for a nice communal BBQ in the camp kitchen.  Completed 470 kms.

Tomorrow the journey will continue towards the Northern Territory border and the start of the unsealed section of the road.

Tomorrow and the next day we maybe unable to update the blog due to being in the outback of Australia where we will be without internet coverage, but we hope the WEST COAST Eagles win without our support (from Brett and Alan).


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Day 1 – Perth to Karalee Rocks


 Great first day. All arrived safely at Karalee Rocks. Travelled 430 km (270 miles). All cars running well. Arrived 4pm. Toured dam and aqueduct. Now sitting around camp fire enjoying fine fellowship.

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KAL to KAL run Planning

MARC of WA – Kal to Kal Run

The run commences on 23 rd September for three weeks approx. over 6500 kms, see our attached run sheet, we are raising funds online and enroute for the Royal Flying Doctor Service as well as having a lot of fun. you can donate online by going to or google RFDS  donations Kal to Kal run or send a cheque made out to RFDS to brett Pollock 33 jameson st, mosman park 6012,perth western Australia. All monies received are tax deductable Thank you for your support .

MARC of WA – Kal to Kal Run

The above run sheet shows that we plan first day Perth to Karlee rocks east of Southern Cross. We will be running a daily Blog when in Mobile coverage. On Day two we will all meet up at Menzies and travel as a team ?

bashingThis what GLAD looked like at the end of the variety bash now cleaned ready for the Kal to Kal run see belowkal to kal

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