National Meet – the Trip day 1

Canola fields

Our travelling outfit

Left right on time for our meetup with Mahony’s in Northam. It was approximately 15 minutes out from our gate when I realised I’d left the iPod at home. It was going to be a long 2700km without tunes and only road noise and the dulcet tones of Darryl cussing out the other drivers on the road. 

We had our first inspection in Northam by the gentleman owner of a 24 Buick and 29 Chevy. 

Arrived in Southern Cross for the first overnight after a leisurely lunch in Merredin. Rehydrated at the Club Hotel first before on to the Southern Cross Caravan Park where we met up with Horgan’s and we had our second inspection by a Austin owner who put us on the lookout for his friend at the National Meet. Mahony’s continued on to a camp spot to test out their new camper. 


I’m happy to report that the continuous road trains on the exhaust brakes only SOUNDED like they were coming through the tent until midnight and a good nights sleep was had until they started again at 4am.  *sigh*

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