Days 14-15 At Coober Pedy and Repairs

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Days 14-15 – Coober Pedy

The group awoke to the warble of the “Kookaburra” and a Taiwanese reply!

Pete’s car was examined by all and declared to be broken. We all decided to hitch the brand new Dean Roberts A frame to “Granny” and Steve Wigmores “Wiggy” and then with trailer also attached to “Granny” the first Model A road train continued towards Coober Pedy some 300km away. Pete didn’t need to steer. Time to study the repair manual!

Not all plain sailing, Des Addison heard some budgies under the bonnet. He stopped to discover only one of four rivets holding his four blade fan. Disaster averted. Fan removed and he continued without for the next 200km. No problems.

The group arrived in Coober Pedy late afternoon. Howling wind, sand and flies. Hunkered down and nice dinner at the pub

Early next morning the mechanics group headed by Mr Letch, Dr Jeffree and the guilty driver. And all the assistants.

Three hours later diff, overdrive and gearbox removed. Universal joint was found to be shattered. Four holding rivets had disintegrated. Surgeon Ross found four bolts to replace the rivets and proceeded to grind and hammer the trunnions back into shape. No warranty for DH farmers.

Meanwhile mechanical group two led by Des and ably assisted by Brett ground water to take new fan for Des’s car and then Bob the Gardener proceeded yet again to make up another spare tyres. Indian tubes!

Cars repaired and going by lunch time. The group proceeded to town for sightseeing and opal buying!

Bob and Cam arrived mid afternoon. Looking forward to a nice dinner at George’s underground restaurant.20151007_064218 20151007_072110 20151007_073055



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