Day 21 – Norseman to Perth
The end of the journey is in sight. Only 638 km to go via the Norseman Hyden road. The group decided to go for it as we had achieved a similar distance the day before. We enjoyed a final evening meal together at the Motel Restaurant adjacent to the Caravan Park where we spent the night.
We bid farewell to Pete and Kaye as they would be heading south to Esperance the next morning and thanked Pete for his efforts as Tour Leader from Alice Springs. Campbell was elected new leader for the final day. We also had news that Brett and Ross had arrived in Perth safely. Brett confirmed that the Norseman Hyden road was in good repair and encouraged us to go that way.
Some early morning work by Pete on “Merv” to install a ballast resistor to perhaps alleviate condenser failure on the long runs we are achieving.
The group achieved an early start once again and travelled the 300km to Hyden without incident. Almost!. Some 10km short of the town Bob Piercy had “carby” trouble and after removing and cleaning was once again on the road.
“Merv” had a loose ignition switch wire which Neil fixed in Hyden and as he was doing so noticed a flat rear tyre which he also changed.
Bob and Campbell continued towards Perth independently and all the group completed the journey
by nightfall.
An amazing adventure covering 21days and 6200km over some of the most remote areas in Australia with a great group of people. Indeed a testimony to the resilience of the Model A Ford and those that drive them.
Heartfelt thanks to those who have contributed to our charity the Royal Flying Doctor Service. The generosity of the people on the road and those that have contributed online has been amazing.
The adventure continues!! – Darwin 2016.