Had a good night and accommodation. Brett and Allan fixed Glad’s starter and Peter his tyre, then we leisurely headed for Mt Isa. Peter had an elecrical problem that was fixed and we got into Isa for shopping and sight-seeing around the mines. More rain and powerful head winds; cars travelling well at about 65kms, will do about 350kms today.
Coral refueling in Mt Isa
We all left Mt Isa at 3.30pm for Cloncurry we met our first steep hill and we were down to second gear, a shock after all the flat running , very hilly until Cloncurry with rain squalls. The country is very much like the Kimberley but more compact, lots of mining traffic. Now in Cloncurry; a large town with good accommodation, some of us in nice chalets and some camping. Fish and chips for dinner 1700kms to go for Ipswich.